THAT mom series – (Chic-fil-A)

A part of the blog dedicated to the absolutely ridiculous in parenting & hearing the word “mom” a thousand times…

Yes, I’m THAT mom often. Welcome to the series.



One day…(sometime a few days ago, but can’t remember exactly which day)…

I drove to Chic-fil-A, as I commonly do… I must admit.

I was feeling quite slick that

feeding my chicks din-din

was going to be a breeze.


I drove right up to the drive through place,

staying neatly in my car-line space.

I waited my turn, but then kept on going…

and drove straight through WITHOUT ever ordering!

I arrived at the window expecting the grub,

then cracked up laughing – how simply DUMB!!!

Yeah, I was THAT mom. 

The Chic-Fil-A lady was so kind and true.

She humored me, TOOK the order, and got me the food.

THAT mom, for sure.

Laughs welcome. 

Love,  the zeramomma

missionzera blessings


God’s seed: “Then our mouth was filled with laughter…” (Psalm 126:2)

Besides, God created laughter. God knows we need it. 

(Feel free to comment and add your ridiculous “THAT mom” moments OR contact me to guest post.)

2 responses to “THAT mom series – (Chic-fil-A)

  1. Funny Poem! I’ve driven off after ordering without picking up my food! Now, that’s really dumb. You’ve given me an idea. I might start putting a scripture at the bottom of my posts. Do you mind?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. funny poem! I’ve driven on through after ordering without stopping at the pick-up window. Left with no food. now, that’s dumb. You’ve given me an idea. I might start posting a scripture at the bottom of my posts. Do you mind if I steal that idea?


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