Simple Snow Day Snowman


This Zeramomma loves snow… but sometimes I want to keep the snow day fun INSIDE! Here’s a simple snowman craft to enjoy with your kiddies. I’ll be completely honest – I’m not the craftiest type. However, I’ve learned to keep things simple. I’ve taught pre-school through second grade… and learning how to be cute and crafty is a must! Besides, now I’m a zeramomma, and I want to have fun with my littles. The picture above is quite self-explanatory… but here are a few key pointers:

1) The white container is Gerber Graduates Puffs. The plastic outer wrapping easily comes off… then you have this perfect snowman-shaped container. We stuffed our containers with tissue paper and cotton balls… which is a great fine motor activity! It also adds a little weight to avoid tipping over. You may want to add candy or small toys for an extra special treat!

2) Choose a ribbon to wrap around the neck for the snowman (or snow-woman’s) scarf!

3) Wiggly eyes and buttons are best attached with a hot glue gun. Dollar stores and craft stores also sell self-adhesive shapes (such as the red and green “candy” buttons on the snow-woman’s body).

4) Faces and detail can easily be drawn on with markers. Smeared lipstick (firmly rubbed in) OR paint can be used to color the rosy cheeks.

5) Hats can be made by simply using a bow. OR – cut a toilet paper roll in half and wrap black construction paper around it. Then, attach a black circle on top of the covered toilet paper roll. (I found it easiest to use tape to attach these pieces).

6) For the “extra crafty” – you can make a pipe cleaner “pipe” OR twist black tissue paper to form the shape.

Kiss your littles, sip hot cocoa, and enjoy!

missionzera blessings


God’s seed: Proverbs 31:21 “She is not afraid of the snow for her household…” (King James Bible)


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