Lil’ Monkeys, come JuMp in the bed!

Momma called the doctor, and the doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!”

Well, this momma doesn’t care what the doctor says. I’m sure there are emotional and psychological explanations (with data) supporting reasons why little monkeys need to sleep in their own beds. I’m not in the mood to listen to anything of the sort –  not this week. The hubs is away and the monkeys are spending countless hours with momma. There’s no running to the door to wrestle with dad, or night-time cuddles with daddy’s storytime. Nope. It’s all about me this week – every moment, every meal, every little tease and argument is completely umpired by me. I’m the Queen of the Castle – for days.

Upon first receiving the news that the hub would be away during his supposed “slow season” at work – I completely dreaded the weeks like these. I contemplated ways to fill the time. I can’t bear the whines about “when is daddy coming home?” … EVERY single night! “Ugh. I don’t want to do this! I can’t wait until this craziness is over!” were my honest thoughts.

Surprisingly, I am pleasantly surprised! Did I say SURPRISED? Don’t get me wrong, I miss the hub. It’s not about that, it’s about my monkeys. I’m not quite as tired as I thought I would be; I’m not quite as anxious as I thought I would be wishing for these weeks to end. In fact, I’m a little saddened that these days are soon coming to a close.

Why? We made crafts, played games, spent unexpected time with family and friends, went to a children’s theater, and most importantly… I let my monkeys jump in my bed. Yes, SLEEP in my bed! Yes, more than one night!

It started off as a bargained deal between my son and daughter. One would sleep in my bed (with me) for one night, and the following night they would switch. On the first night that we started this “deal”… two monkeys sat in my bed while I read a story. Then, we cuddled while I decided to sing funny songs about each of them, often rhyming (but not always), sharing about their best qualities, favorite toys, and beloved memories of childhood – thus far. They laughed, and laughed, and begged for more. “Again, mommy! Sing the silly song about ME, again!” I have to say, it’s a new memory that I will NEVER forget. It beats some Disney memories.



I wish I would’ve had a video camera to capture those cherished moments and crazy laughs. So, the next night we sought to re-live them… and again, and again. Each night was a little different, and the bargained deal never quite worked out. Mommy would take the middle spot so that each monkey would be accessible on either side for cuddles, back-scratches, and a little kiss on the head. Eventually, we would all fall asleep.

Did I mention that momma monkey quite often got up in the middle of the night and either wrote a blog or slept on the couch? These little monkeys are vicious sleepers, but they are the most adorable and cherished monkeys I know.

So, I conclude with new thoughts, “I want to do this again! I can’t wait for another round of craziness!” Bring on the bananas! I will FOREVER remember these days when my monkeys jumped in my bed.

I’m a mizzionzera momma signing off with, “Lil’ monkeys, come jump in my bed!”

missionzera blessings,


God’s seed: Psalm 127:3 “Children are a gift from the Lord” (New Living Translation)

3 responses to “Lil’ Monkeys, come JuMp in the bed!

  1. How precious are those God inspired moments when we choose to embrace our reasonably hard circumstances without complaint!…God’s timeless gifts often come as pleasant surprises, blessings in disguise, and precious eternal memories! Yes, “letting go and letting God” is the most important and priceless lesson one could learn…though it often takes a lifetime of testing to surrender to them! Thank you for the reminder! Love those little monkeys!


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