Lean Testing & Essential Oils

Have you heard of Muscle Resistance Testing? It’s an approach to reading the electrical impulses of your nervous system throughout your body. As part of the nervous system, your brain sends and receives these electrical messages. Lean Testing is a basic technique that operates on this same principle. Although there are practitioners that have formal ways of measuring these electrical impulses through formal Muscle Resistance Testing, there is a simple at-home test that you can easily try. Place foods, supplements, oils (essential oils, etc…) in the location of your plexus (lower chest – where several nerves meet) and ask yourself (which sends a direct message to your brain) if you would like that food or product, etc… Your body will respond to that question by either moving forward, backward, or by remaining upright. These motions are responses to the question asked. If your body moves forward, then your body craves or WANTS that food or product. If your body moves backward, then your body is saying that it presently does NOT want or need that food or product. If you remain in an upright position, then the food or product is neutral for you and your body chemistry. It will not harm you, but it may not benefit you either – it is simply neutral. To read more about Lean Testing, please visit http://www.healthyjourney.org ((http://healthyjourney.org/?s=lean+testing&submit=OK) .

I recently discovered Young Living Essential Oils. I love to diffuse the various oils in my house; I’ve begun to explore how my body responds to the scents and realized that I have a preference for some, but not others. I wanted to understand the reason why. Young Living offers Zyto scans to read the biomarkers in your body. I haven’t been able to participate in that test yet, but I wanted an informal way of determining my preferences. I purchased the Young Living Essential Oil starter kit and thought it would be beneficial to know which of those oils work best for me. (I’ve heard wonderful healing testimonies with the use of these oils!) Presently, I struggle with Crohns-Colitis and I already know my body struggles with digestion. Young Living offers a reference guide suggesting certain oils and supplements for particular health issues. I am in the process of purchasing some of those oils and products (and will blog about my progress!) In the meantime, my sister suggested Lean Testing. She is a trained Health and Nutrition Counselor and has many tips and tricks of the trade. She and her colleagues would often use Lean Testing when walking through health food stores and choosing new products for themselves. Though quite informal, it seems tried and true. So, we put this method to the test yesterday with the Young Living Essential Oils Starter Kit.


(Public domain – Photo credit): http://newtoncustominteriors.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/young-living-essential-oils.jpg

Here was our method, we tested each other 3 times. The person being tested would keep her eyes closed (not knowing the oil in her hand) while performing the Lean Test. We would mix the oils up after each round so that the person being tested would have NO idea how she tested previously on the oil in her hand. The person conducting the test kept all the records. It was WITHOUT FAIL that the both of test tested EXACTLY the same on all 3 rounds of our personalized test. However, each of us tested quite differently from the other. Since I have a chronic illness (Crohns-Colitis), it makes sense that my need for the use of essential oils is more crucial.

photo 1-2

Here were our results:

My sister (moved forward – all 3 rounds of testing) for Lemon and Lavender. She remained neutral on all of the other oils EXCEPT for Joy (which her body rejected by moving backward).

I (moved forward – all 3 rounds of testing) for Thieves, Purification, Pan Away and Stress Away. I remained neutral for everything else EXCEPT Peppermint (which my body rejected by moving backward). Although many would say that peppermint is beneficial for digestive issues, I’ve always personally detested peppermint. I find this interesting because it confirms that everyone has a unique body chemistry and each person should seek to find out what works best for him/herself rather than following a trend or generalized suggestions. Furthermore, several of the oils that I responded positively to are indeed recommended for my digestive issues.

Find a supplement, food, or oil that you would like to test and give it a try! Stand up tall and straight with both feet placed securely on the floor. Remove shoes. Place the item at your plexus while closing your eyes. CLOSE YOUR EYES! Wait a second or two and ask yourself the question if your body wants this item or not – see if you move forward, backward…or remain in the same position.

If you try this and get an interesting result… please feel free to comment and share! I’d love to hear how it worked for you!

3 John 1:2 “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” (New International Version)

God’s seed: 3 John 1:2 “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” (New International Version)

missionzera blessings


* article reference on Lean Testing used with permission by: Janis M. Betz, RN, BSN of  http://healthyjourney.org

4 responses to “Lean Testing & Essential Oils

  1. That is really interesting…so I am wondering. .you just simply hold the product in your hand…you don’t actually smell or put any product on you?

    Liked by 1 person

    • YUP! Your body is full of nerve connections at the spot and very sensitive. So, it can sense enough right through the bottle or packaging! I didn’t believe it would work – but I’ve done something similar before with a practicing wholistic professional. Years later, we gave it a try here in my kitchen with YL – it was accurate in all 3 test rounds. Give it a try!


  2. Interesting information. I was raised to learn taking in all natural health and remedies. We don’t always have to pop pills to mask a problem. I love the lavender plant, fresh, dried or in oil form. This is strange but very interesting about just holding an item. You never know.

    Liked by 1 person

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